Egypt – 2 big events

A picture from the window of the Swedish Institute in Alexandria where Sabine is attending the follow up of the YLVP program.

The Young Leaders Visitors Program (YLVP) is an intercultural leadership program supporting the development of young leaders through a combination of personal growth and practical experience, focusing on social media as a tool for positive change.
The first part of the workshop was held in Sweden in May 2011 and here we are back again all of us in Alexandria and soon to Cairo for the 2nd and last part.

Clown Me In – Cairo….
Finally it is happening
Sabine will be giving a Clown Me In workshop at the venue of Al Warsha Troupe in Cairo/EGYPT, for different actors and performers ….From the 20th till the 24th of November 2011….
So looking forward and excited to see how the post-revolution clowns will look like …
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