Clowns Without Borders - Spain - PSF

We always talk about how good it is to stay positive, to say  "YES" , to open up and accept to play with the other...

this time of the year,  i fully experienced it...

I was with Al Jana performing in Tripoli

5 Spanish guys approached us and said that they were from the Clowns Without Borders PSF team and would like to perform for the kids... 

YES pls...

30 min later...

we couldn't stop laughing...  amazed by their world of  surprises, their great live music, circus techniques, positive energy etc etc etc

such a colorful day ... that ended with their suggestion... that i play with them in the next shows around Lebanon... 

and 2 days later... we started really experiencing the power of saying"yes" ... 

i joined them in different performances in Beirut and the South and ...

from now on... we will keep playing together around the world!!!! 

Mabsutin Fikun :) 
lots lots lots of love

Albert Grau

Oriol Liñan

Moisès Tiana Sí

Christian Olive

 One last thank you, would be for Diego Ibarra the photographer who was all the time present taking photos and videos  ( obviously not these ones on my blog- you can check his blog by clicking on his name) and David Guerrero  who was the guide, the photographer and briefly the too good to be true person :) 

You may call it a coincidence
You may call it a good luck
still.... i would surely call it... 
                          The YES effect